Instruction Manuals

Please review the instruction manual for your product in order to resolve any issues you may have. But if you are still having a problem, see our Trouble Shooting Guides, (under the Customer Service menu above), or feel free to send us your question by clicking "Contact Us" under the Customer Service menu heading.

If you have an ordering, customer service or technical question to resolve prior to purchasing, or if you have an installation or any other question about a unit you have recently purchased from us, please call 1-855-855-2500. (If after hours, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.)

If you have a technical question for an H2o Labs system you have had for some time, please call H2o Labs technical support at 1-800-990-3560.

H2o Labs Instruction Manuals:

Model 100 - 100SS

Model 200

Model 300 - 300SS

Model 300SSE

Model 300SSF

Model 700

Model 1000

Model 300CG Glass Carafe

Reset Button Assembly

Fuse Installation

Thermal Switch Installation

Cleaning Crystals Data Sheet

Durastill Instruction Manuals:

Models 30H, 30J, 46A, 46C (English) 

Models 30H, 30J, 46A, 46C (Spanish)

Model 42C

Countertop Storage Tank, (4 and 4.5 Gallon)

40 Liter Storage Tank, (Approx. 10 Gallons) with casters

40 Liter Storage Tank, (Approx. 10 Gallons) Utility Model

96 Liter Storage Tank, (Approx. 25 Gallons)

80 & 150 Gallon Storage Tanks

Automatic Drain Valve, (For Model 42C only)

Free Standing Remote Faucet System

Water Dispensing Station

Ice Maker Installation Kit or Fountain Adapter

UV Light

Other Distillers:

Glacier D3-AD6

Pure Water Mini-Classic CT

Running Waters


Survival Still